Bazan Marriage Records - Creaghe Family Historical Society

Bazan Marriage Records

Bazan Marriage Records

It appears that these records were part of the research done by Geraldine Creaghe Cuneo.


(No. 2), Santa Fe, DON IGNACIO RICARDO BAZÁN (40), Español¹, n. of the City of Puebla residing in Santa Fe, widowed l n1st marriage of Da. Ignacia Ledesma, Española of Mexico City, son of Don Jose Bazán y Lobato and Da. Josefa Alvarez y Trujillo, both deceased, and Da. Juana Apolonia Gutierrez, española of Pajarito, d. of Don Lorenzo Gutierrez, Capt. De Milicias Urbanas, and Da. Maria Candelaria Garcia de Noriega. Groom had come from Mexico City, employed by the Real Hacienda since Sept. 3, 1805. – Witnesses: Don Antonio Ortiz (38), Don Jose de la Peña (27).


Sept. 21 (nos. 85-86), Santa Fe. JOAQUIN ALEJANDRO BAZÁN of Pajarito, son of Don Ignacioi Ricardo Bazán, deceased, and Da. Apolonia Gutierrez, and Maria Luz Ortiz, widow of Jose Alejandro Baca. Couple accused of being related in 2nd degree affinity through illicit copula; to be separated until matter is cleared up.

State Records Center & Archives
404 Montezuma, Santa Fe, New Mexico

¹In the 18th and early 19th centuries, Santa Fe society, as well as that of virtually all of New Spain, was multiethnic and quite stratified by race. At the top were españoles who could claim a pure Spanish blood line or pureza de sangre españoles.   They were entitled to use the titles Don and Doña.

This was subdivided into peninsulares who were born in Spain and criollos who were children of New Spain².

While both of these sub classifications were at the top of the social ladder and held the best government jobs, a real advantage was enjoyed by the peninsulares. Zebulon Pike noted, during his captivity in Santa Fe in 1807, that Army promotions went more quickly to the peninsulares. officers.³

The lower strata were held by people of mixed race.

With regard to Ignacio and his brother Juan, I cannot determine from either Madge Creaghe’s or Geraldine Cuneo’s histories where they or their parents were born. In my childhood in the 1950’s, the legend was that the brothers were from Spain, but that is not supported by what we have in writing. It seems most likely that they were criollo. Serapia Bazán Creaghe certainly considered herself to be españole (see “Serapia Bazán Creaghe – Ancestors”). If anyone has further information, please pass it on.

Stephen B. Creaghe

² Noble, David; “Santa Fe, History of an Ancient City”, SAR Press, 1989, p. 65-77.

³ Orsi, Jared; “Citizen Explorer, The Life of Zebulon Pike”, Museum of New Mexico Press, 1995, p.68.

  • Rosa Bazan
    Posted at 01:36h, 26 May Reply

    Searching connection between Ygnacio Bazan and Mascarenas , Rosaura-“Rose” , and children born to them.

    Posted at 06:35h, 20 September Reply

    Most of the Bazan family from 1100- to the present day were Viscounts, Marquise and Duke. Don Alonso was in Mexico and his sons, grandsons and great grandsons held important positions in Mexico City and surrounding towns. Four generations collect fees from managing the Teotihuacan area with its great pyramid. One became a Grand Inquisitor. One a governor of Mexico City- Alonso’s father was personal secretary to the Duke of Alburquerque. A couple of generations later, there were two Bazan Dukes of Albuquerque. What I am trying to discover is how Don Ignacio and his brother became weavers. The oldest son, in the Spanish noble families usually got the titles & lands.. the second oldest often became a high ranking officer in the military. The next oldest might become a Bishop or Catholic Cardinal…and the rest of the sons went out into the world, often to the new world, to make their fortune. Don Ignacio arrived in Santa Fe with his family and servants… and was paid approximately $175,000 ( converted to today’s dollars) to teach weaving to the young. Her married the daughter of the richest man in New Mexico. After 4 generations, Don Alonso;s descendants relocated to Puebla, Mexico, where Don Ignacio was born in 1767 I believe he was baptized and married to his 1st wife, Dona Josefa Trujillo, in Mexico City.-

  • Robert Laurence Martin Bazan
    Posted at 18:36h, 09 July Reply

    ygnacio Ricardo Bazan and his brother was born in Puebla, Mexico. He was born in 1767. Their parents were Don Jose Bazan y Lobato and Josefa Alvarez y Trujillo. Both were born in Mexico, City.

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