Historic Sites - Creaghe Family Historical Society

Historic Sites

Historic Sites

This section is designed to provide information regarding places of historical significance to our family. This could provide opportunities and pretext for interesting travel all over the world. Comment by everyone who has visited any locations of interest would provide varied insight and is encouraged.

Naval Museum and La Plaza de la Villa, Madrid Spain

Naval Museum And La Plaza de la Villa Madrid, Spain Naval Museum Spanish Naval Museum, Madrid The Naval Museum (Museo Naval) chronicles the history of the Spanish Navy from its infancy to Christopher Columbus and Magellan, to its peak as a world power in the 16th Century, and on to the present day. Our interest…

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National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Photo pending On October 15, 1991, The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial was dedicated at 444 E street NW in the Judiciary Square are in Washington, D.C. It is dedicated to officers who have died in the line of duty, back to 1786. Over 23,000 names are engraved into curving…

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The Lodge at Ashford Castle

The Lodge at Ashford Castle Cong, County Mayo, Ireland The Lodge at Ashford Castle As is the case with most grand estates in Europe, Ashford Castle and Estate has a long history.  While it all began in 1228, we are interested in the period starting with the purchase of the property in 1852 by Sir…

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AFRICAN AMERICAN CIVIL WAR MEMORIAL African American Civil War Memorial, Washington DC The African American Civil War Memorial honors the African American and other men of color, and their white officer corps who fought for the United States in the Civil War. The monument was dedicated in July 1998. The focal point is a superb…

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Highfield Church, Southampton

Highfield Church Southampton, England Highfield Church in Southampton is officially known as Christ Church, Potswood, and was consecrated as such on September 17, 1847, just as the city was coming into its own as a major, modern seaport.  However, in 1883, parishioners began referring to it as “Highfield Church” after the neighborhood of the same…

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First National Bank Robbery

First National Bank Robbery “Fleagle Gang” Lamar, Colorado, May 23, 1928 First National Bank,1927.At the time of the robbery, the trees had beenremoved.  Courtesy, Tom Betz  As with many things related to our family history, my first knowledge of the First National Bank robbery came from my grandmother, Nellie B. Creaghe (1894-19770, in the early…

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Saipan and Tinian

Stephen Creaghe (b.1947) November 23,2016 The Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands lies about 15 degrees above the equator in the western Pacific, just north of Guam and seven and one half hours from Hawaii. While not as lush as other tropical paradises such as the windward side of the Hawaiian Islands, today’s  Norther Marianas are…

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Creaghe Family Burial Vault

Creaghe Family Burial Vault Stephen B. Creaghe, Michael Barnett July 16, 2016 Creaghe Family Burial Vault 1998 In 1817 Richard Creaghe, D.L. (d. 1837) had a burial vault constructed for his family in the Anglican churchyard, Golden, Co. Tipperary, just across the River Suir from this Castle Park estate.  According to family information available today,…

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Castle Park

Castlepark or Castle Park is a beautiful, green piece of land just west of the River Suir and the village of Golden in County Tipperary. The property is a bit higher than the river and slopes gently to the bank

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1LT John S. Creaghe Training Support Center

Fort Drum occupies over twenty-five square miles of land in rural upper New York State about seventy miles north of Syracuse on Interstate 81. The wooded and rolling hills are very beautiful in summer, but the winters are something else. Even the cattle are a weather resistant breed. The 16,000 plus soldiers, their families, and…

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Gordon Home

The house at 404 S. 2nd built and owned by my Grandmother’s (Florence P. (Sayler) Moore) brother Frank W. Sayler in 1923 purchased buy my grandfather Arthur C. Gordon in 1944. Frank and his wife Emily Florence (Tewell) Sayler both passed away in 1944. My mother Helen M. Gordon spent much of her youth…

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Creaghe Ranch

50 miles south and slightly east of Springfield, Colorado. Ranch house was located in Oklahoma. Ranch in both Colorado and Oklahoma.

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Creaghe Family Historical Society

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