Ship Model, Highfield Church - Creaghe Family Historical Society

Ship Model, Highfield Church

Ship Model, Highfield Church




Ship model, Highfield Church, 2017.

This wooden model of sailing ship was presented to Highfield Church in memory of John W.W. Creaghe upon his death in 1931. An accompanying plaque carries the admonition to “pray for our sailors.”

Ship Model Plaque
Highfield Church, 2017.

The approximately three feet long model represents a Spanish sailing ship of the 15th century called a “Carrack.”(Wiki) While these were primarily merchant vessels, note that this one carries six guns. In the summer of 2017, and for many years before, the ship was suspended from the ceiling near the back of the south aisle of the nave. The plaque of carved stone was incorporated into a nearby column. It is not clear who is responsible for the gift, but John’s wife, Julia, must have been involved.

Later in 2017, the model was to be moved as part of a remodeling project. Its new location is not known at this writing.

Steve Creaghe, January 28, 2018


Reader, Elizabeth, Highfield Church Southampton, self published, 1998. CFHS Library.


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