Stephen Creaghe, Author at Creaghe Family Historical Society - Page 2 of 2

Author: Stephen Creaghe

JOHN O'DWYER CREAGHE 1841 - 1920 John O'Dwyer Creaghe led a life filled with adventure, conflict, revolution, and, finally, mental illness.  Some parts of his past are somewhat blurry; some are well-documented.  This sketch will lay out some of what is known, possible, or not known. John's father,...

The Creaghe Family Historical Society Newsletter September 20, 2020 There have been multiple inquiries to the society in the last seven months.  These are always quite interesting and often bring new information to light.   Graeme Robertson was to make one of his regular trips to Tristan da Cunha this...

Percy Fitzroy Seton Creaghe August 9th, 1875 - July 27th, 1947 Our family owes a debt of gratitude to Percy Creaghe in that he collected, collated, and commented on family papers and letters he compiled in the 1930’s.  Michael Barnett obtained copies of the papers during a...

Creaghe Family Historical Society

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