Family History Archives - Creaghe Family Historical Society

Family History

To understand the proud Spanish heritage brought into our family by the marriage of my grandfather St. George Creaghe to my grandmother Serapia Bazan y Ortiz it was necessary to review the historical records that date back to the first Spanish Conquest and the Re-Conquest...

The two leading Anglo-Irish families in Ireland have long been the FitzGeralds and the Butlers. From being comrades in arms of the invading Strongbow1, they became by degrees rival barons, and fierce contestants for the vice-sovereignty of their adopted country. In the War...

Arriving with dust and thunder, fierce horsemen from the East burst upon the European Stepp some 700 years before Christ. Invincible for four centuries, these proud marauders grew rich on the dividends of conquest, decking even their horses with gold. ...

What follows is a summary of information gathered by Michael Barnett during a journey to Ireland and England that he and his wife, Merril took in 1997. Michael’s grandmother was Emily Caroline Creaghe, later Barnett (1860-1944) – see “Ancestors”. This relationship led to his interest...

Creaghe Family Historical Society

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