Artifacts Archives - Creaghe Family Historical Society


John S. Creaghe’s Hunting Knife .stk-b154397 .stk-img-wrapper{width:29% !important;height:217px !important} In August 2022, Brett Dean, originally from Fort Collins contacted the CFHS website with a story about a knife. In 1982, Brett’s father, Marlin Dean, was deer hunting on the slopes of Baldy Peak just north of Hesperus, Colorado...

              Portrait Miniature Richard Creaghe DL Richard Creaghe DL Richard F.H. Creaghe             The top piece was obtained at an online auction in December 2021.  It and an identical piece depicting Richard FH Creaghe (bottom) were offered as part of the Cronin Family Sale of items from their home, Seafield,...

SHIP MODEL HIGHFIELD CHURCH SOUTHAMPTON, UK Ship model, Highfield Church, 2017. This wooden model of sailing ship was presented to Highfield Church in memory of John W.W. Creaghe upon his death in 1931. An accompanying plaque carries the admonition to “pray for our sailors.” Ship Model PlaqueHighfield Church, 2017. The approximately...

OFFERATORY PLATE HIGHFIELD CHURCH SOUTHAMPTON, UK Highfield Church Offertory Plate This eighteen-inch diameter, solid brass plate is, actually, a bit heavy. It is used for collection of congregational offerings during services at Highfield Church. John and Julia Creaghe presented the plate to the parish as “a thanksgiving gift.” in...

My Grandmother, Nellie B. Creaghe (1894-1977), kept a genuine cedar chest tucked in the back of her closet. I first discovered it as a kid in the 1950’s. There was lots of intriguing stuff in it: civil war sword, her sister’s Red Cross uniform badges...

The "U F connected" brand was registered by St. George Creaghe (1852-1924) on May 28, 1907. It was presumably obtained from Martin C. Stephens of La Junta, Colorado. It was then registered to Lawrence P. Creaghe (1891-1961) in 1944; followed by Lawrence B. Creaghe (1920-2011)....

Creaghe Family Historical Society

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